Witam na swoim blogu, który dotyczy moich pasji związanych z tańcem, rysunkiem, ruchem, poezją, ludźmi oraz życiem. Piszę po polsku, po angielsku, a także po hiszpańsku.
Welcome to my blog, which is about my interests in dancing, drawing, physical exercises, poetry, people and life. I write in Polish, English and Spanish.
Bienvenidos a mi blog que es sobre mis aficiones como el baile, el dibujo, ejercicios fisicos, poesia, la gente y la vida. Escribo en polaco, ingles y espanol.
Mar adentro, mar adentro, y en la ingravidez del fondo donde se cumplen los suenos, se juntan dos voluntades para cumplir un deseo.
Tu mirada y mi mirada como un eco repitiendo, sin palabras mas adentro, mas adentro hasta el mas alla del todo por la sangre y por los huesos. (de los poemas de Ramón, "Mar Adentro" A. Amenabar)
I'm definitely not a film freak. I prefer music; I can sit for hours and think or imagine things. I can dance until I'm totally breathless and dizzy. It inspires me a lot. However, with films it's different. I consider watching every new movie waste of time doing. Instead, I can watch the same film, the one I became fond of, several times. I'm not sure if I'll manage to set a new record after "Moulin Rouge" and "Rosario Tijeras," but the next film I consider hugely moving and thought-provoking is "American Beauty" directed by Sam Mendes. This was one of films that made me sit still for about an hour after the film finished and just think.
First of all, the main subject is beauty. Although each of the protagonists craves for something and feels unfulfilled, there is something positive in the film. The beauty that we experience in life turns out to be something unbearable, meaning that there are so many things to be loved and admired that you become overwhelmed by them. They can move you to tears. "Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry." Sadly, a boy who notices these tiny things is considered mental. But it's good to find things in life that are worth watching. What the boy frequently uses is a camera, which can enable you to get something that normally you can miss. In such a hurry like nowadays, we frequently miss things. With camera you can zoom in on things, and notice more. And if you do, it's hard to get angry with life and what it's done to you since there's so much beauty.
Second, probably many of us have lived life and at some point realized that are dead, that is unsatisfied with life they have. Similarly, the 42-year old Lester discovers his needs when introduced to his daughter's friend, a young and sexy girl. He wants to change. And he does. He says, "I've been in a coma for 20 years and now I've just woken up." He is no longer indifferent to how people behave or treat him. He even gets fit. It's never too late, as people say. To me passiveness is the worst thing ever. It reminds me of constant depression. How can you live with it for so many years? Change or die, I would say.
Next, the subject of being ordinary is also raised. The teenage girl that Lester has a crush on maintains that there's nothing worse than being ordinary. I'm afraid she might be right. Even when you're criticized, you get the feeling that other people are interested in you. If they ignore you, they're telling you that you're boring. I'm sure it doesn't take a vain person to feel bad about being unnoticed.
Finally, the subject of imagination provokes me to thinking. Probably it was not aimed to do so much, though. Nevertheless, I find it interesting and quite familiar since my experience so far has shown the similar. Namely, Lester is a perfect example of a victim of his own imagination. Your imagination can lead you anywhere. You might see plenty of strange things in your dreams. And why do you dream? Why do you imagine things? Because you think you've missed something in life like Lester? Or just out of being bored and awaiting new adventures? You might try to convince me that just the fact that you imagine something to be doesn't mean that eventually it will come true. However, I will still insist that sometimes it does come true. I mean your imagination is such a powerful thing that in the most unexpected moment it will be converted into reality. So be careful with your dreaming...
I think everyone in the film learnt a lesson. But what about us, mere puppets?
An incredible thing happened to me (mind you, recently the word "incredible" hasn't functioned the way it used to), that is I ran into a poem, probably the origin of the one I put on my blog in May 2009 (see The Sweetest Poem Ever). Overexcited, I decided to:
share the poem with you (whoever is reading this, very probably not many, but those who do, feel like prize-winners)
try writing my own short poems (perhaps not extremely challenging, but doing well in the time of The Great Autumn Depression, I guess)
I'm going to start with a poem I admire every time I read it, the poem written by Matthew Sweeney and titled "Poem Spoken by a Cat to Its Owner's Friends Who are Flat-sitting": I have eaten the chicken you had on the sideboard defrosting
and which you were hoping to roast and serve with wine to your friends
forgive me I'm a cat we have no manners we're always like that
It's not that I'm ever going to like cats, even after such a simple statement and honest confession of one of them. However, as it turns out, they may be quite good material for a poem. Perhaps I should have thought about it before writing my own tiny piece of writing. And here it is:
I have eaten almost nothing and for a couple of months with the same manner
and which you were hoping I would change soon and stop being skinny and vicious
forgive me seems I've lost what made me fat and happy now I'll die of hunger
You have the right not to like it, 'cause it's pessimistic. The next one will not mention the word 'dying,' I promise.
I have made another face one of those you definitely dislike
and which you were asking me not to repeat in the nearest future
forgive me it was so tempting your sweet fury my repeated pleasure
I think now it's better although I disturbed the pattern this time (I changed eating into making). I'll try to work on that as well.
I have eaten the remains of my brain since I had to choose between the brain and the heart
and which now seems to be the easy way out to be embraced with no pricks of conscience
forgive me looks like I've seen too many soaps they're no good for a woman
Am I melodramatic? I promise I will work on my sense of humour. Below you will find the last try. Enjoy.
I have eaten humble pie and you made me eat my words too
and which was difficult to swallow I think I'll need much more cola
forgive me I've spoken too much again next time I will let you sink
prawdopodobnie zwierzałam ci się już słabo pływam i dostaję paraliżu gdy tracę grunt
a gdy wypłynę już dalej gdy brzeg nagle staje się rozmazaną linią niepokój i boję się i pluskam bez kontroli i nie wiem co robić gdzie bliżej gdzie lepiej czy warto tracić tchu i wypalać nadziei ostatnie płomienie czy warto płynąć do brzegu bo po co się tak męczyć po co umierać by przeżyć po co poniżać się by przetrwać
czy potrzebna ta walka przecież znam to miejsce wyspa oziębłych jadowitych krawaciarzy podłych zachrypłych szybkobiegaczy nie chcę widzieć ich gardeł i walczyć jak co dzień
może zwrócić się ku głębokości poznać tajemnicę niezgłębionej wielkości czy się się odważyć zaryzykować nie bać się zajrzeć do wnętrza oceanu nieskończonego
i Ty Władco głębin czy przyjmiesz mnie tam? czy odrzucisz jak rozbitka zniesmaczony moim brakiem wdzięczności
bo może na brzegu jest więcej niż suchy piach i zgniłych owoców smak i ty mówisz mi też czasem że za często odpływam od brzegu
dlaczego tak jest ja nie znam tych osób co są dla mnie martwym krzykiem nie rozumiem ich słów ale głowa mi pęka od ich wrzasku
You probably remember a song, quite an old one whose lines go "tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies." Earthians don't like the truth. Why not? The truth is very often painful. Even when they ask your opinion, they want to hear something nice, let it be untrue. Talking truly invites a number of enemies to your world. To me not understandable. But on the other hand, why, you probably won't cure that you criticize and that needs to be repaired. Instead, you can smile and praise and try to make the most of it and then everyone will be happy.
Oh, I almost forgot. Something nice to get your interest -
Did you really think that our ordeals eventually make us even stronger? Sometimes it is the case. Nevertheless, my point of view is slightly different. Namely, after two, three, or four disappointments in a row we get hurt and have less faith in people. This leads to two directions. Either the disappointed with a knife in his back will grow stronger, meaning less interested in what will happen next and more indifferent or he will become cautious if not oversensitive and desperetely trying to turn back the fate.
When we experience something unpleasant , we are often scared-stiff with the sole thought of getting hurt again, and crazy not to fail again. And what happens? We start to believe in fate, we become (yes, it happens) superstitious.
Of course you might disagree. I do believe that we grow stronger after harsh and trying experiences, but only if we can fully control the situation. And this hardly ever happens.
It does not necessarily mean exceeding speed limit when driving a car or (something one is usually proud of:) driving recklessly and without seat belts.
I'd rather look for something more novel and, if possible, even unprecedented...
I always believed that each of us has a dark side inside and a tendency to do something the wrong way. Deep inside we want to be independent and free and make decisions by ourselves. We do not like other people interfere. Very often when saying "It's my life" we forget that actually it's life that, like it or not, we share with other people, in the sense that we depend on others and are responsible for others.
Accordingly, it is not that we are completely free when choosing a path, and a law to break... Sadly. There is always something, and we call it limits. It needs a brave and tough guy to overcome all the barriers. But on the other hand, poor we if we did not have those limits...
One can say that he learnt a lot because he read a pile of books, whereas the other may say that he knows even more from, for instance, getting drunk as a teenager, running away from home, meeting 'bad' people, or leading a varied sexual life.
Sometimes such experiences, no matter how shocking, teach us more and make us wiser. How can you talk about lemon if you've never tasted it and got to know its sourness?
Likewise, how can you appreciate and praise sugar if you had nothing to contrast it with? Besides, sugar tastes much better after having tasted a sour lemon.
You cannot live your life constantly rejecting all evil from the world. Instead of covering your eyes with your smelling hands, open your eyes wide, for there is much to see and to choose. Use your eyes to observe both good and evil and use your tongue to taste the dark water. A wise man will draw a conclusion and proceed with his trip. A dumb man will choke and drown in the evil waters.
Al primero querria pedirle perdon a usted por mi lengua. Asi que no soy de esta planeta, no hablo su lengua bien y perdoneme por mis errores que seguramente van a occurir. Estoy escribiendo a usted porque me siento muy mal. Todo el tiempo pensaba que me iba a mejorar y por eso pospuse nuestra visita y no nos vimos hace mucho tiempo.
Yo soy insomne, un caso muy raro. Me duele la cabeza mucho por pensando, sońando e imaginando muchas cosas por los dias y noches tambien. Y ahora... por mi culpa estas cosas, mis deseos, no van a cumplir.
No es facil amar alguien, es cierto, pero por otro lado, es mas dificil hacer alguien amarte con todo corazón y fuerza y sin dudas acompaniarte en los buenos y malos. Hoy es el dia de dudas, este mundo es un lugar dónde nadie esta seguro por nada y dónde vive la gente muy suave e insegura. Cómo puedes tener confianza en alguien asi... Ni hablar.
Si pudiera elegir entre de vivir por muchos ańos, muy aburridos y vanos dias, o vivir solo un mes, el de amor verdadero y sincero, elegia la opción segunda.
No estoy de acuerdo con muchas cosas en el mundo y creo que esto es mi problema principal. ?Que hago? No quiero ser un cobarde y escapar de todos obstaculos e inconvenientes. Pero en ninguna manera los solvare.
Estaria muy contenta si me recetara usted un medicamento. Ya no puedo mas y supongo que no voy a mejorarme.
Tym razem po polsku. Dla odmiany. Po lewej stronie dołączam i chwalę się swoimi fotkami, a właściwie głównie ich obróbkami, które zaczynają mnie wkręcać bardziej niż rysowanie (może dlatego, że brakuje mi cierpliwych modeli). Można tak obrobić zdjęcie, że wygląda jak rysunek. Na pewno zabiera mniej czasu. Podobnie jak mailowe komunikowanie się. Wszystko idzie w kierunku pójścia na łatwiznę. Nie podoba mi się to. A w partnerstwie... Pewnie nie mam prawa krytykować i oceniać, bo w tych sprawach nikt nie jest na tyle mądry/ poinformowany/ doświadczony. ALE wyprowadza mnie z równowagi, kiedy widzę jak X wykorzystuje Y będąc z tą osobą, jak nawzajem się oszukują, jak X jest z Y, bo boi się zaryzykować, odnaleźć swoje szczęście i jest z nim/ nią z czystego przyzwyczajenia. Ktoś powiedział w audycji radiowej, że my dwudziestolatkowie, należymy do ery komputera, co objawia się tym, że nie potrafimy czekać, musimy mieć wszystko tu i teraz, i tak samo nie potrafimy doceniać. Ja nie potrafię czekać, choć cały czas się uczę. To nie jest łatwe w erze komputera, wszelkich udogodnień i leniwych nie gotowych na wyrzeczenia egoistów. Być może zbytnio generalizuję. Po prostu tęsknię za tym co było kiedyś. Więzi były zdecydowanie mocniejsze. Chyba nie nadążam za tym, co się dzieje dzisiaj. I mam nadzieję, że nie będę. Spotykam osoby, nawet wśród swoich znajomych ,prawdziwie zakochane, szczęśliwe, i oni przekonują mnie, że może być pięknie. Czyli prawdziwość i szczere intencje jeszcze nie wymarły. Podobnie jak rysownicy z krwi i kości ślęczący godzinami nad rysunkiem... :-)
"The art of losing isn't hard to master
Though it may look like disaster"
The only solution that would ease the longing
Is not looking in that direction not prolonging
the pain, Not remembering not mentioning and not mourning
those days, Winter days the first kisses and shy hugs
Hiding in the car to explore more
Talking on the phone for hours short hours
(I wanted to tell you much more)
Speaking about feelings unprecedented not observed before Until the first losing learning how to deal with it
Actually, it's not so difficult
Just close your eyes and tell yourself you're a stone
You're cold as ice blind and dumb nothing can touch you
Then you feel that hand that caresses your skin
And you can't resist, so temptive
God forgive all my sins those were probably the heaviest
Until the losing number two, three, four, nine, nineteen
I can't remember properlyI feel like I lost the faith of a youngster
I'm older now I don't believe you now I got hurt
I lost your smell the sound of your voice your smile
your lips your eyes your touch
It wasn't difficult at all
Thank God, it's not difficult to deal with
I'm not looking in that direction, that's why
I'm not mentioning dreaming or inviting you into my dreams
(They miss you I won't tell you how much)
But here's the world of losing, that's how we call it
And I'm perfect at it, seems I left all my heart there
Shapeless, colorless my heart
But I'm OK now since I don't provoke those thoughts
That visit my dreams every night (almost)
Losing is not so hard to do, though it may look like a process
First misunderstanding, blaming each other and silence
And then the easiest thing ever
Dealing with it, lonely nights cloudy days
God, help me survive
(this one was written by me a couple of months ago and I guess it's no longer up-to-date as for my feelings, but I still like it; the poem was influenced partly by modern American poetry and my own love experiences (or traumas, as you like))
"When you pray, what do you pray for? I pray for God to crush me, break me up into little pieces and start all over again."
("Angels in America" T. Kushner)
God, thank you for the passing day another lesson learnt, Thank you for the journeys that I've made today, Thank you for the joys, getting good grade from that linguistics test I was really stressed you know, encountering my old friend on the way to work, finding a fantastic song on the web, Thank you for all today's let-downs, they will teach me to be humble and patient, they will let me enjoy the future victory
God, I'm sorry for all the bad things I've done today, I'm sorry for having been lazy and malevolent, not having done my responsibilities, I'm sorry for insulting others in my mind and for obscene thoughts, I'm sorry for being faithless sometimes
God, please, give me another joyful day with its challenges, Please, give health to my nearest and dearest and eternal life for the dead, Please, give me strength for the next day and patience and serenity, Please, give me good sight to see and understand and appreciate everything you bring to me.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven, Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
Almost 4 a.m. Can't sleep. Unwanted thoughts pass through my mind.
Darkness is the light for my thoughts. It is but the darkness of the night that hides the unnecessary and brings in or invites the essential or unprecedented.
At night we can usually hear but silence. And it is silence that helps you hear what you can't hear normally, in the daytime. So far I've heard loads of sounds and whispers. The thing is I need to sort them out now. It WILL take time, certainly.
"I know the world of dreams exists, I'll show you where, just touch my lips" "... the wind of hope will wake you up"
Are dreams necessary? Some say that without them we cannot make progress. But sometimes it happens that you hope for too much, or you blind yourself with your dreams and plans and forget action.
Forgive me they were delicious so sweet and so cold
(William Carlos Williams, "This Is Just To Say")
A poem that is so simplistic that might be mistaken with an ordinary note left on a fridge and filled with sensuality and senses like touch and taste so much that can be definitely called more than a note. It could be a note for a wife or to a loved-one, the author admits to having eaten plums intended for someone's breakfast and begs for understanding. Expressed in a nice gentle way, the poem can be said to be both serious and good-humoured, loving and sarcastic. Being so simple and straightforward, the poem probably does not intend to express more than the information of eating the plums and explaining his behaviour (mind you, it is his, not her, typical for men, isn't it? ;P) and full stop, without too much wondering and pondering over the words. But, on the other hand..... :) it can symbolize the first sin of a man in the garden, eating the fruit from the restricted tree, typical for humans in general - not being able to resist the temptation. And if I were curious enough to go deeper, I could penetrate the poem with further interpretations. For instance, could the "plums" be the girl's virginity that she had been keeping in her "icebox" and "saving them" till the day that he eventually took it? At least he said that it was worth it... Whatever the interpretation, receiving such a note or poem from a boyfriend and finding it on the door of the fridge would put a smile on a girl's face, certainly.
- ?Por que estas llorando? Porque estoy muy triste. - ?Por quien? Por la gente, las chicas. - ?Que dicen? Que soy puta. - ?Y por que esto te entristece? Las que dicen mal de persona que no conocen deberian tener verguenza y esconderse como putas. Si, yo conozco una. - ?Odias la gente? A veces. O en vez de cuando me odio y no quiero vivir mas. - ?Y que haces? Bailo. Entro en mi mundo donde puedo cumplir mis sueńos, y bailo. - ?Y de que sueńas? De amor que sea tan fuerte y tan verdadero que matara todos que mienten y dara felicidad a los que estan buscando. - ?Y cuando estas triste como ahora...? Quiero morirme. Quiero que todo esto se termine. Que me despierte otra vez en otro mundo. Lejos de la gente y su lengua que no conozco.
Oh yeah. In the new century I think we will be all insane. (Kushner, Angels in America)
And God, what dreadful images of insane creatures one can observe! My recent observation: Madness of some of them is derived from their passion, interests and fascination about a particular subject. Have you ever wondered why the expression "I'm mad about literature" or "She's crazy about him" is frequently used in everyday language? Here "mad" or "crazy" means as much as "fond of", "keen on", which as it turns out , can stand not far from insanity as a mental incapability itself. An example? I've got one. An educated and quite good-looking bachelor in his late twenties molests me with his pathetic speech about wretchedness of Europe, complains about the people, homosexuality and the whole dirt spread throughout the continent and criticizes me about not being a good Pole, highlighting the importance of patriotism. Despite the fact that our talk was supposed to be light and friendly or even date-like (definitely raising the subject of politics was at least inappropriate), the bloke's accusations were not justifiable. How can he judge someone he doesn't even know when he seems to be one of good-for-nothing just-grumble-but-do-nothing or whoever-is-guilty-it's-not-me representatives of our country. Congratulations. Welcome to politics. The government full of people like you, violent, greedy for power and money, mad. Mad about politics. But forget him. Doesn't deserve my attention. I'm definitely keen on people mad about art. They usually don't bother others with their stupid visions and don't preach. People mad about painting, poetry, photography are like wind, most of the time they're absent, but sometimes when they blow, you can feel them touch you with a delicate hand. They usually have their own world, the prettiest and the calmest one.
Są jeszcze ogrodnicy... Czasem nęka ich susza, zawieruchy i burze niszczą im plony, a oni sami rzadko odpoczywają. Ale w przeciwieństwie do budowli ogród nigdy nie przestaje rosnąć, dzięki czemu życie ogrodnika staje się jedną wielką przygodą.
(Paulo Coelho, Brida)
Być może stąd moje zainteresowanie naturą i chęć robienia zdjęć w jej tle zdecydowanie większa niż na tle budowli, z których niektóre być może przechowują jakąś historię, są uważane za cenne, ale zwykle są szare i nie zmieniają się. Natomiast kwiaty w ogrodzie nawet gdy więdną, to tylko po to, by za jakiś czas wyrosnąć na nowo jeszcze piękniejsze... Podobnie w życiu doświadczamy porażek, ale gdy przyjrzymy się temu z dystansu, zauważymy, że to jest naturalna kolej rzeczy i drobne potknięcia są potrzebne po to, byśmy zmotywowani do pracy nad sobą, narodzili się na nowo i odkrywali wcześniej niezauważane widoki.
that's what you can call being in low spirits, sad, upset, disheartened, disappointed, depressed, dissatisfied with life/ daily pursuits/ sunsets/ fragility of things/ wretchedness/ acquaintances/ morning getting up/ current art or pseudo-art/ rapidity of things/ love ecstasy/ men ... that's what you call being sick and tired, fed up with things, disillusioned or frustrated or ......... being bored to death with a book .......... Dickens? Shakespeare?
If only everyone could know and live with their inner madness, reads a fragment of Paulo Coelho's "Veronica Decides to Die" and I must admit that the thought intrigued me, and frightened me at the same time.
but then the writer continues, Would the world be a worse place for it? No, people would be fairer and happier. (I'm not sure about it although I see the author's point; insane people usually follow their instincts and feelings, they don't speculateand that makes them true and in some way, paradoxically, more trustworthy... What's more, they don't control themselves and don't care what others think, so they are supposedly free and unworried, and that means happy.)
Imagine a place where people pretend to be mad in order to do exactly what they want. (Paulo Coelho, "Veronica Decides to Die")
and even serious crimes would be justifiable and obscene behavior allowed? (mind you, Veronika, the protagonist, dares to masturbate in front of her friend from asylum who suffers from schizophrenia)
- kill him. You have to kill him, Jacky, and her, too. Because a real artist must suffer. Because each man kills the thing he loves. Because they’ll always be conspiring against you, trying to hold you back and drag you down. (Stephen King “The Shining”)
here the problem is diametrically different, but still the protagonist falls into madness and hears its voice advising him to act cruelly or heartlessly, suggesting Jack murder his family;
perhaps the essential fact is that the protagonist, though recently sober, used to drink heavily and that might have explained the events that occured.. but anyway, insanity DOES have something to do with violence and hatred, and accordingly, a place full of such people would be certainly far from perfect and wouldn't resemble calm happy existence,
to sum up, insanity is a mess which mad people cannot control and their love-ones cannot understand and which might be equal with both freedom and destruction... (or even self-destruction - look at Vincent van Gogh, who cut off his ear)
And now have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over-acuteness of the senses (Edgar Allan Poe, “The Tell-Tale Heart”)
do we really know what madness is? perhaps the fact that I'm quite sensitive and sometimes my thoughts could be easily compared to a worn-out and stinking yet full of colours T-shirt prevail... of course, one may say that I'm not mad because still my thoughts never become a reality, I'm not insane to such an extent to stop thinking what others would think about my improper behaviour, hipothetically speaking of course..
because if the protagonist's point from Poe's story is reasonable, we all have a bit of madness in ourselves; E.A.Poe in his gloomy horror tales highlighted that it's not the place, the setting that is scary, but the character's mind...
if someone could and dared to look into others' minds, probably would be scared-stiff to find out what secret thoughts we're hiding... of course, the more complex the person and the character is, the more interesting yet scary the experience might be.
the conclusion? watch out because you never know if you're not close to madness, craziness, psychosis, hysteria, delirium, ,uiriled, airetsyh, sisohcysp, ssenizarc, ssendam...
or you'd better not watch at all, it may catch you anyway
just be happy the way the world works
cheers to all lunatics!
29 Mar 2009
Taniec to przypuszczalnie najstarsza ze sztuk, która służyła człowiekowi do opisywania otaczającego go świata i wyrażania uczuć na długo, zanim nauczył się mówić. Zwierzęta ruchem przekazują informacje i emocje, np. pszczoły, poszukując nektaru, tanecznymi ruchami wskazują swoim towarzyszkom kierunek lotu. Człowiek, który korzeniami tkwi w świecie zwierzęcym, przejął od zwierząt formy ruchowe i rozwinął je tak, by mogły służyć do wyrażania jego niezwykle skomplikowanych stanów emocjonalnych i duchowych. Pierwsze tańce pełniły rolę rytualną, za ich pomocą oswajano nieznane siły natury, przywoływano pomyślność, odstraszano demony. Dopiero w późniejszych czasach rozwoju kultury taniec odrywa się od swoich sakralnych źródeł, staje się przyjemnością i sposobem wyrażania emocji. W czasach średnich na dworach rycerstwa taniec, podobnie jak cała kultura rycerska, służył wyrażaniu kultu miłości, bohaterstwa i umiłowania piękna natury. Coraz większą rolę odgrywała w tańcu etykieta towarzyska, a poturniejowe zabawy przekształcały się stopniowo w dworskie bale. W renesansie, zaś sztuka taneczna coraz śmielej głosiła kult piękna ludzkiego ciała. Natomiast balet klasyczny okazał się doskonałym środkiem do wyrażania ideałów i treści typowych dla epoki romantyzmu. Przełom XIX i XX wieku sprzyjał wszelkiego rodzaju poszukiwaniom artystycznym, także w dziedzinie tańca. Szczególnie silne były one w Niemczech i Ameryce. Dały początek bardzo różnorodnemu i bogatemu światu tańca nowoczesnego (od swingu, samby, rock&rolla po hip hop).Taniec od pradziejów pełnił wielorakie funkcje w życiu człowieka. W dawnych kulturach, gdzie stopień więzi społecznych był o wiele silniejszy, jego znaczenie było większe niż w dzisiejszych społeczeństwach XXI wieku. W dzisiejszych czasach taniec został głównie sprowadzony do roli widowiska i może się wydawać, że utracił magiczną moc... ("Dopóki taniec był oddaniem w ruchach zewnętrznych uczuć i myśli wewnętrznych, dopóty był prawdą mającą pewne znaczenie, i to wyniosło go pomiędzy sztuki piękne. Skoro zaś stał się ślepym naśladownictwem ruchów nie znanego nam znaczenia, jest tylko kłamstwem i głupstwem." A. Dunin-Borkowski) Jednak coraz więcej choreografów, sięgając do korzeni tańca, stara się zrozumieć i przybliżyć współczesnemu człowiekowi kultury ludów prymitywnych.
(fragment mojej prezentacji maturalnej z jęz. polskiego)
Mar adentro mar adentro Y por el me siento que yo estoy en centro Que yo soy protagonista de esta obra La que no puede moverse Ni calificar sus sentimientos Los movimientos de palabras Letras de la lengua que no es mia Tengo que aprenderla de nuevo I've had quite a few accidents I want you to know Now I feel as if I was lacking something Please make me move I want to move I want to speak Physically or mentally ill or both I can't stand up I can't go up the mountains Reach my dreams they seem so far away They're so many I can't breathe I can't produce a word my vocab far from perfect Nigdy nie znałam tego lęku co teraz Ten paraliżuje me ciało i umysł Próbuję dać krok, choć dukam niezrozumiale Czas przyznać się do swojej bezradności I głupoty marzeń i serca naiwności Gdy tak leżę czasu jest mnóstwo na myślenie Lecz ono pcha mnie głębiej do morza Morze jest przecudne, lecz nie ma w nim dna Deja de nadar si no sabes nadar bien Ella me dice a veces Pero en este mar hay toda mi vida He pasado tanto tiempo construyendo todo Llorando reyendo tocandote con mis dedos propios Todo en nuestra vida, se dice mis sueńos Los que ya no me responden, supongo que por mi culpa Teach mi how to read your lips I can't move mine I destroy myself with thoughts that have no sense What is it which destroys me from the inside And makes me shout helplessly Words that still mean nothing, like a child I'm still learning and I'm a slow learner I have to admit Try to be patient I tend to forget Z rękami związanymi ustami zaklejonymi Zamykam oczy i widzę morze Zasypiam i tonę, tonę w uścisku twych ramion Tak ciepłych kochanych chyba nie moich Tu prawie nic nie jest moje oprócz Kartki papieru i cienkopisu co poddaje się mym nagłym pobudzeniom Co czasem zasypia od monotonii tych wyznań Y ahora todo me parece tan distante Y ya no conozco uno de los sentimientos de antes Estos son palabras que no tienen sentido Que cambian con la luz Que tu puedes destruirlos de repente Que me puedes hacer dańo facilmente I never thought my soul might contain Rubbish, I'd better get rid of it now Why worry why hate why feel Nobody cares, neither do I I might have been the one who drowned In the deepest sea, with dreams on my forehead Zaśmiecony Zakrzyczany Zapatrzony Zakochany Zamieszany Zadurzony Zawieszony Zadławiony Zamulony Zawiedziony, kur.. Zawiedziony Chciałby tańczyć, głupiec Kto tańczy ze złamaną nogą?! Cuando me mejore te dire mis sueńos Como era mi mundo de odio y amor De tristeza y alegria, asesinato con crueldad Y comportamientos desvergonzados Y todo y mas Do you consider me to be emotionally retarded Surely I am and you are and she is Don't dare to think I'm heart-broken Nobody would break the thing that never existed Mind you, I'm heartless (I'm telling myself) Nie odrzucaj słów jakby nic nie znaczyły Najbardziej nieporadne, nie krzywdź Ich źródła swoim milczeniem Nie zabijaj prawdy moich zwierzeń Głupku co żałośnie patrzy Y no me importa nada Si me creas o no si me odies o ames El sueńo terminara dentro de poco Y no habra nada, solo recuerdos vanos Now that you know so much I can confess my secret to you I cannot swim I never could And that's my tragedy that will always keep me down A może... narodzę się na nowo Może zapragnę wypłynąć w znane już miejsce Słońca ciepłem wody świeżością Pachnieć będę znów Dónde esta la planeta en la que vives En la que sueńas y buscas y te mueres Te voy a encontrar y matar la ultima vez I want to vanish far from your unspoken words Far from unwritten pages of my soul And much more I'm about to do Już się nie spieszę, ten co ma większą moc Zrobi to z pewnością szybciej I obudzę się w morzu twojej krwi Si pudiera hacer que querria en este instante momento No haria nada I thought you would understand The planet will never meet my expectations I nie myśl o mnie źle, bo całkiem nieumyślnie stanę się Twym najgorszym snem kochanie Y ahora todo que deseo Is your skin close to my skin Zaśnijmy, niebo jest piękne...
if someone is physically ill and suffers from a serious disease like cancer or heart failure or he's gone through a terrible accident and now is disabled, people symphatize with the person and do their best to console him; the pain and the tragedy of the person is, of course, justifiable, but what about a person whose soul hurts? we usually can't see how serious it is, but certainly, we know that nobody dies from sadness or even depression consequently, mental health and disposition of a person is frequently neglected
Some time ago I used to write poems. Now I don’t (at least not as often as before). When I was a young enthusiastic poet, one snobbish older guy (it was during a meeting dedicated to poetry, and he called himself a professional) ignored me and other young happy generation of poets, no, actually, he chose one or two persons and even agreed to place some their poems in an unknown paper after destroying it by changing something here or there … I thought poetry was about something different. Take, for example, Emily Dickinson, an American poet who changed the principles, in other words, there are no principles! You express your vision of the world, even grammatical mistakes have their role (isn’t the world full of mistakes?!). Accordingly, it is YOU and ONLY you that finds the meaning of the words and appreciates and likes it or not. By means of poetry one can descibe things one meets on one's way, and influenced by them expresses one's thoughts and feelings. Strangely, in my process of writing my thoughts are very often painted with dark gloomy colours. And it is usually unhappiness that provokes me to writing, let it be, "poetry". Does it mean that all poets or potential poets are pessimistic, not satisfied with life and miserable characters, the ones like Edward Stachura, who similarly to many other artists commited suicide? Do you really need to be a heart-broken suffering shadow of a man to be a poet, an artist? Possibly not, but it is often the case.
18 Feb 2009
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.