Witam na swoim blogu, który dotyczy moich pasji związanych z tańcem, rysunkiem, ruchem, poezją, ludźmi oraz życiem. Piszę po polsku, po angielsku, a także po hiszpańsku.

Welcome to my blog, which is about my interests in dancing, drawing, physical exercises, poetry, people and life. I write in Polish, English and Spanish.

Bienvenidos a mi blog que es sobre mis aficiones como el baile, el dibujo, ejercicios fisicos, poesia, la gente y la vida. Escribo en polaco, ingles y espanol.

18 Oct 2009

Which type are you ?

Es facil

mi pelo
tiene puntas rotas
voy a cortarlo,
un dia
serA arreglado
y mAs vivo

mi vida
tan insoportable
voy a cortarla,
un dia
serA una persona contenta
mAs muerta que viva

10 Oct 2009


An incredible thing happened to me (mind you, recently the word "incredible" hasn't functioned the way it used to), that is I ran into a poem, probably the origin of the one I put on my blog in May 2009 (see The Sweetest Poem Ever). Overexcited, I decided to:
  • share the poem with you (whoever is reading this, very probably not many, but those who do, feel like prize-winners)
  • try writing my own short poems (perhaps not extremely challenging, but doing well in the time of The Great Autumn Depression, I guess)
I'm going to start with a poem I admire every time I read it, the poem written by Matthew Sweeney and titled "Poem Spoken by a Cat to Its Owner's Friends Who are Flat-sitting":
I have eaten
the chicken

you had on the sideboard


and which you were hoping

to roast

and serve with wine

to your friends

forgive me

I'm a cat

we have no manners

we're always like that

It's not that I'm ever going to like cats, even after such a simple statement and honest confession of one of them. However, as it turns out, they may be quite good material for a poem. Perhaps I should have thought about it before writing my own tiny piece of writing. And here it is:

I have eaten
almost nothing

and for a couple of months

with the same manner

and which you were hoping

I would change soon

and stop being

skinny and vicious

forgive me

seems I've lost

what made me fat and happy

now I'll die of hunger

You have the right not to like it, 'cause it's pessimistic. The next one will not mention the word 'dying,' I promise.

I have made
another face
one of those

you definitely dislike

and which you were asking me

not to repeat

in the nearest


forgive me

it was so tempting

your sweet fury
my repeated pleasure

I think now it's better although I disturbed the pattern this time (I changed eating into making). I'll try to work on that as well.

I have eaten
the remains of my brain

since I had to choose

between the brain and the heart

and which now seems to be

the easy way out

to be embraced

with no pricks of conscience

forgive me

looks like I've seen

too many soaps

they're no good for a woman

Am I melodramatic? I promise I will work on my sense of humour. Below you will find the last try. Enjoy.

I have eaten
humble pie

and you made me
eat my words too

and which was difficult

to swallow

I think I'll need

much more cola

forgive me

I've spoken too much again

next time

I will let you sink

That's it. Thank you for your patience.